Welcome. I'm Laurene. Together with the Angels I help people to (re)connect with the loving core of their being. To enable them to use it as part of their navigation in life. So they can choose consciously and be (more) happy.
Spiritual journey
‘I was always looking for answers’
It all started when I was a little child. I have always loved people, life and learning. Every single day I was looking for answers, the truth. The more I could learn, the more I had to offer. I devoured books, was taught by a friend how to express my emotions and chose a study which forced me to be in the spotlight (scary!). Step by step I got closer to living my life's purpose: helping people getting over anxiety and live their dream.
'A friend introduced me into the world of Reiki'
I wasn't doing so well in 2007. I felt bad, had an negative self-image and simply 'didn't feel like me'. A friend introduced me into the world of Reiki. My motto 'live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever' was crucial here: even though I wasn't familiar with Reiki at all, I booked 3 sessions to try and experience it myself.
‘Since then, Reiki became a part of my life'
I still remember my trip home after my first session. Slightly surprised by the whole experience, and above all incredibly relieved. It wasn't scary and woolly. In fact, I felt really good. Reiki had made me aware of my feelings in a gentle way. With the support of my Master Toña, I uncovered disfunctional beliefs and patterns that I could accept. A burdon fell off me. In the next two sessions I got more relaxed and happy. For the first time in 2007, I was my own self. What a progress! Since then, Reiki became a part of my life.
Reiki, the way.
Because of all these awakening, I was able to make choices that fit me and I felt happier. I decided to get my Reiki I certificate and was soon able to regulate my energy. Reiki II was the next step and Reiki became a way of life. I learned to look at other people with love, took the first steps towards living in the Now and discovered the power of gratitude.
In the meantime, I saw more and more people around me who weren't happy. Having had my own experience with Reiki and the 'when I'm 40, I want to help people' thought always present, I began to feel an urge. That's why I started my Reiki Practitioner training in 2012. It was incredibly informative, confronting and an enrichment of my life. I learned to see the relationships with the Traditional Chinese Medicins, got feedback to increase the effectiveness of my sessions and because I was confronted so much with who I was, I also discovered new ways to heal. I'm so grateful for all the knowledge and wisdom offered.
‘Nothing without a reason’
At the very moment I had subscribed for a course of Energetical Massage and Nutrition consultant, the company I was working for filed for bankrupty. I had been happily working there for seven years, so it hit me hard. Thanks to my belief - nothing without a reason - and my attitude -you can always choose to be positive about everything that happens - it soon changed. I felt: this is the moment I've been waiting for my entire life. Now I can help people.
‘Now I'm doing healing for a living, I'm the happiest person on earth.’
In April 2013 I founded my own business and it is wonderful. Now I'm practicing healing and reading (Reiki is part of it) for a living, I'm the happiest person on earth. I thank God every day for enabling me to go this way. I feel guided and keep looking forward to all the healing and reading sessions and the courses with my lovely clients.
On my way, a lot of people have crossed my path. I'm grateful for every single person God brought into my life. There's a few I would like to mention here:
- Marieke, my partner for life, who believes in me and is always there;
- Dolf, my peaceful father;
- Leny, my open-minded and in her own way wise mother;
- Merline, my happy and funny sister;
- Robbert, my friend who looked and looks at me unprejudiced;
- Toña, my Reiki Master full of opportunities;
- Surani, my soul sister and always dedicated coach ‘self-love’.
I'm also grateful for all the wisdom and inspiration of Mikao Usui (founder Reiki), Doreen Virtue, Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi en Siddharta Gautama (the Buddha).