woensdag 17 september 2014

Change your mood with soul food

Imagine there would be a radio station for your soul. Dedicated to support you in living a happy life, providing you with free tips on how to overcome the daily life obstacles. All brought from a positive, you-can-heal-and-change-your-life perspective.*

Does this sound too good to be true? Well, let's bring in the good news: there is one radio station that actually does all this stuff! A 'Yes' station. At least, that's how I experience it. The name is Hayhouse® radio - Radio for your soul. It's free and you can listen to it where and whenever you want. I think it's such a refreshing, brilliant idea and a bright shining star compared to the stations who send out fear-based messages. So I'm happily sharing it with you.

How would a radio station be able to help me?

It motivates me like a digital and at-distance coach to continue living my dream. Sometimes as a young entrepeneur working from home 7 days a week, it can be hard to keep on motivating myself. There are moments that I find myself sitting at my soft, easy-to-keep-sitting-there couch, feeling I want to help people and at the same time not moving a single muscle to make anything happen. The longer I sit there, the louder the voice of my Ego:

'Laurene, you are really lazy. Do you think all these succesful entrepeneurs are sitting on their couch all day?'

It's at these moments that I take the last single drop of inspiration to consciously tell my hand to reach out to my phone, click on the Hayhouse® radio app and listen.

Soon, my mood changes. Listening to all the people calling in with questions makes me happy. Let me explain why, before you assume it is because my Ego is having it's own party: 'yes, they feel even more bad than me, now I feel gooood!' The reason I feel happy again, is because it re-awakens my passion to help people when I am confronted with so many callers still looking for happiness in their lives.

How would this be helpful for you?*
  • It can give you new insights that help you deal with your current challenges. Every show provides free tips/learnings, like stress-relief, self-healing alternatives to physical problems and other ways to balance your energy. 
  • It can help you stay motivated to live your dream. Because of the positive and supporting messages on the radio station, it can help your shift your thoughts and uplift your energy.  
  • It can help you stay motivated as a health care professional. Almost every show offers listeners the opportunity to call in and ask a question. It can help you remember why you started your business.

Who's there to support you?
Hayhouse® radio offers a great variety of speakers and programs. For example:
    • Jessica Ortner - Addresses tapping, also known as meridian tapping or EFT, for a variety of concerns including weight loss, anxiety, depression and more
    • Dr. Mona Lisa Schultz  - Intuitive health - teaches the body-mind and medical intuitive solutions to several physical problems 
    • Doreen Virtue - How the angels and Archangels can help you have a healthier and happier life
    • Radleigh Valentine - Explains about the meaning and symbolism of the Angel Tarot cards and how you can use them
    • Esther & Jerry Hicks - Channeling the non-physical consciousness Abraham 
Sometimes old shows are rebroadcasted and you might come across a Louise Hay show for example. For a complete list of the hosts that have a weekly program, click here.

So whether you're looking for stress relief, want more alternative options for physical problems or you would like to learn more about angels and tarot, download the Iphone or Adroid app or go to www.hayhouseradio.com . I hope it will motivate, inspire and support you as much as it did/does for me. Have a nice weekend!

Did one of the programs of Hayhouse® radio already support you? Or do you know any other radio station that supports you in living your dream or teaches you valuable life lessons? Leave a message below, I'll always answer. Thanks for sharing!

* note: this whole article is my personal opinion and experience with Hayhouse® radio only, written to support you. Please keep in mind that there's no quote from Hayhouse®  in it and no rights can be derived from this article.

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